Karin Lambrecht Brazilian, b. 1957
Installation view from 25ª Bienal de São Paulo, 'Untitled', 2001
Four cotton cloths with bloodstains taken from slaughtered sheep in three different cities in Rio Grande do Sul
Variable dimensions
'The four long white dresses hanging from the beam range from an immaculate one to another one hit by the first spurt of blood from the animal, and the most...
'The four long white dresses hanging from the beam range from an immaculate one to another one hit by the first spurt of blood from the animal, and the most drenched one of all. In the background, a photograph shows two hands holding a piece of gut. Two hands cupped as in an offering. In front of the dresses, on the floor, three crosses made of fabric equally stained by the animal’s blood. Finally, on the left-side wall, several pieces of paper. On each of them, the imprint from a duly identified piece of gut, signed by the author of the action.'
Excerpt from a text written by Agnaldo Farias in the catalogue for the 25th São Paulo Art Biennial
Excerpt from a text written by Agnaldo Farias in the catalogue for the 25th São Paulo Art Biennial
25ª Bienal de São Paulo, Brazil, 2002Publications
25ª Bienal de São Paulo, Brazil, 2002. pg 144 - 153https://issuu.com/bienal/docs/name7a11e4/144