2G Royal Oak Yard, SE1 3GD
September 18, 2019
6 PM - 8 PM
Cecilia Brunson Projects invites you to a celebration of the estate representation and exhibition opening of 'I am Awake' by Feliciano Centurión.
'I am Awake' is comprised of a series of works from the artist's estate, some of which are being shown publicly for the first time since his death. Taken mostly from the period of his life following his diagnosis with HIV in 1992, the exhbition consists of characteristic embroidered frazadas (blankets), along with plastic dinosaurs bedecked with crochet outfits, painted paper plates, and the documentary film directed by Mon Ross, 'Feliciano Centurión: Abrazo Íntimo al Natural'.
Link to ArtRabbit event: