Harewood Biennial 2024

Lucía Pizzani presents a new commission at Harewood House, Leeds

Lucía Pizzani is one of three artists commissioned to produce a new installation for the 2024 Harewood Biennial, curated by Ligaya Salazar and Darren Pih. Pizzani worked with the historic house's head gardener Trevor Nicholson to produce the ceramic installation, Cultivo y Memoria (Crop and Memory).


Installed in the Walled Vegetable Garden, it is made from ceramic sculptures, live plants, and fallen arboreal fragments from the Harewood landscape. The work explores ideas around spirituality in the vegetal world and ancient knowledge by using ‘the three sisters’; a way of planting in the Americas where corn, beans and squash complement each other in a collaborative growth process.


The Biennial runs until 20 October, 2024. Learn more here.

July 2, 2024