Frieze London & Frieze Masters

We are pleased to share that we will be participating in both Frieze London and Frieze Masters this year. Both fairs will take place in Regent's Park, London, 9-13 October 2024.


At Frieze London, gallery artist Lucía Pizzani has been invited to participate in Smoke, a section curated by Pablo José Ramírez, bringing together artists working at the forefront of ceramics today. We are excited to share new work in this important curation centring diasporic artists.


This presentation coincides with the publication of the artist’s first monograph, edited by Natalia Valencia Arango and with contributions by Nicolas Bourriaud, Lisa Le Feuvre, Lucia Pietroiusti and Jesus Torrivilla.


Download Frieze London press release


At Frieze Masters, we return to the Spotlight section curated by Valerie Cassel Oliver, where we will present the paintings of José Antonio da Silva (1909-1996, Brazil). This is the first UK presentation of the artist, whose position at the foundations of Brazilian modernism has long been overlooked, and precedes his first international solo exhibition, touring institutions in France and Brazil in 2025.


An eccentric and charismatic figure with a distinct vision, Silva was the first self-taught artist from Brazil’s rural, labouring classes to have a marked impact on the nation’s modern artistic identity. Silva began his career as a painter only at the age of 37, before this working as a labourer in cotton, sugar and coffee plantations, cattle farms and railroads. The agricultural landscape prevails as his most captivating subject, with his characteristic use of perspective and high horizon lines bringing focus to the earth, both a land of riches and one forever reshaped and exploited by these industries. 


Download Frieze Mastesr press release


October 9, 2024